What Are the Benefits of Being Legally Blonde
They say that blondes have more fun. While I think that is absolutely true, there are many other benefits of having blond hair. I don’t think that I would have got my job with London escorts unless I had blond hair. The men who seem to enjoy the company of London escorts really do have a thing about dating blond girls. It is a bit of a cliché, but if you are legally blonde, you can still do well working for London escorts at Charlotte Fulham escorts.
Of course, London escorts agencies do employ brunettes and exotic London escorts. But mainly, men will date blond London escorts. Last week, I went out on a major business date. All in all, I think that there must have been about ten blond London escorts. We had a great time but I did notice that most of the other diners in the restaurant did look at us. It as obvious that many of them did think that something was going on. Let me put it this way, we sort of stood out in a crowd.
If you like to date blonde London escorts, you will be spoiled for choice. There are curvy blond London escorts, tall ones and mature blond London escorts. No matter what, I am pretty sure that all escort agencies right across London have got hot and sexy blondes to offer you. You will that many blondes working for London escorts like to specialise in certain things. For instance, I know blondes who are really good at BDSM and duo dating.
Are blondes more adventurous? That is a good question. I am sure that it is true. Some of the brunettes who work for our London escorts are more reserved. In fact, I think that most blond hot babes who work for London escorts earn a lot more money. I seldom talk about money with my friends but I do know that many brunettes seem to be at least a little bit jealous when I mention how much I get in tips per week. Maybe it is true – blonde London escorts are a lot hotter and sexier, and richer as well. It could be true being blonde has its benefits.
What about girls who color their hair to become blondes? I am not sure what the score is here, but I do think that they do pretty well. But, you can always tell a genuine blonde at London escorts. She is much more fun to spend time with and always giggles. There are other ways in which you can tell genuine blondes apart from fake blondes, but mainly it comes down to personality. A genuine blonde is always ready to have fun and party. That can’t be said for the fake blondes who seem to be a little bit more reserved. I have never been a reserved girl and I am pretty sure that I will never be. Perhaps that is why gentlemen prefer blondes…