He Is A Great Dad

I’ve had such bad luck when it comes to picking father to my children. Unfortunately I haven’t learnt from my previous mistakes and I have six children for three different men. It was never my intention to have so many children by so many different men they just kind of happened. I fell In love thought that he was the one that I would spend the rest my life with and then he ends up being an absolute arsehole and leaving me and the kids. The thing is it’s not like each of my baby daddies are all the same they’re actually quite different. This is why the girls at cheap outcall escorts can’t understand why I’ve had such bad luck.  

David he was my first baby daddy and I met him actually whilst I was working at London escorts. He was one of my regulars and he was so romantic and sweet I’m really crave my attention all the time. The receptionist at London escorts knew his number off by heart and knew that he was calling to book me. I don’t mind as he was really sweet and gentle. And one day he just asked me whether or not we could be in a relationship. The first few years with great then are twins came along and everything changed. He just upped and left ended up going to another london escorts agency and becoming a regular there.  

My second baby daddy was a guy called Jim to be fair I should’ve known from the beginning that he was bad. He has tattoos everywhere and was a real bad boy biker. We had three kids together. He was my longest relationship and I really had a great time with him he was so exciting and adventurous but just not want to commit. Is weird because my last baby daddy for my little girl was so clingy his name was Jason. The girls at London escorts believed that he was the one that was going to stick around. He was really attached to my other kids and saw them as his own. But he was so controlling he literally had a schedule for every thing me and the kids did and it used to drive me insane.  

Right now I’m just looking for a man who is happy to love all six of my children and me and have someone who isn’t put off by a lot of noise as my household is always busy. From the experience I’ve had I can’t actually tell what type of character would make a good father. The girls in London escorts tell me that my prince charming will eventually come and he will have big enough arms to sweep me and my six kids of our feet. I guess the girls in London escorts alright I just need to be patient and wait at the end of the day my family is a tall order.